Friday, July 16, 2010

Dr. Brown Orders Rest

So this morning at a regular WIC appointment the nurse checked my blood pressure and it was high, 136/90 and notice my swollen hands...she wasn't convinced that it was because I had my acrylics taken off and that my short fat fingers are always like that. My hands are somewhat swollen and at the end of the day my ankles are usually too, but no headaches or vision problems, still she said to call the doctor.

So I called Dr. Brown's office, talked to the nurse who talked to the doctor and called me back - long story short. They want to see me next week and until then I need to drink 2+ quarts of water a day (which I am roughly doing anyway)for sure, and lay on my left or right side. Of course she didn't say bed rest immediately, so I was asking to clarify what I can do, no painting, no setting up Baby Earl's room - she said have someone else do all that....I am restricted to daily routine - work, bathroom, cooking but other than the necessities on my side. I asked if I could sit and watch my friends paint and put stuff together, and the nurse said “No, Melissa. You can lay on your side and watch, but unless it’s necessary you need to be laying down on your side.”

So, kinda bummed because I was enjoying being with Tracy and working on the room, and was looking forward to finishing it with her this weekend, but no such luck. But, not too upset or freaking out, gotta do what is best for baby - she is number one, so I guess the outlook for the next week is lots of movies, reading and laying around.

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