And here is Justine riding the bull on the Kiddy Rides at the festival, I'm still learning how to use my camera so she has gone about 180degrees when the video starts!
Auntie DeeDee had another new outift for Earl, and a whole bag of Justine's clothes that she had held on to, as well as a couple blankets. Including one of my old jackets with Smurfette on it that she had made for me in Hong Kong, with Missy embroidered on it too. Very Cute!
Now at 32 weeks, there is no doubt my tummy is all baby. My Aunties were gigglling becuase they noticed I am waddling a little now...it is funny, but its not just the belly it's a chemcial released by my body now to start opening up my pelvis which causes the waddling. I think though I am still getting around and feeling good, of course the bathroom trips are more frequent, and sleeping at night is broken up between tossing and turning and getting up to potty, and I was the first person to bed saturday night, I just couldnt stay up and visit like usual. But another great, new thing happened this weekend, Saturday afternoon I was sitting back in a chair with my feet up and you could see Baby Earl moving through my shirt and tummy! It was amazing, to not just feel but see her move! I tried to get a video but of course I didnt, I will keep working on that though.
All in all I am feeling really great. I just cant beleive she will be here in about 50 days, this has gone by so fast. We have an appointment with Dr. Brown on wednesday, just a regular check up. My weight has been steady the last two weeks, which is great becuase I have been really watching what I eat and when, and the swelling has been down too so I hope my blood pressure is good when we see him. But it is supposed to be hot this week, so hopefully I can get Jace over to but my air conditioning unit in before the heat comes on Wednesday.
Just a couple weeks now until my last trip before baby comes, I will be flying over to Spokane for the Twins' 2nd birthday!
I am just so very excited for you Melissa! I am not too far away from you, so if there is anything you need - I am happy to help. It is really only about 40 mins to Covington from here! Good luck to you...and I am so glad you are surrounded by so much love!