Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 2012

Wow, what a busy month!

It started off rough even though Peyton was healthy she got two new teeth which kept everyone awake for a couple nights the first week of March. She still is the best little shopper even when she is not feeling well and tired:

And even though work is extremely busy right now and I have taken on some new responsibilities, temporarily, we still found time to play! Peyton's imagination is so amazing - she is talking more, learning new signs, she runs everywhere and is into everything, she is just so curious - it is so much more fun then I imagined it would be to have a toddler!

This month has also been a time for me to reflect on just how much Peyton has changed my life. Now that my world is Peyton, and has been since I found out she was coming, I have had to let go of some things and people, and some people have let go of me. Sometimes it is hard to understand or process, but I do feel that my life is complete and Peyton makes me so happy, she is my world and if that is not enough for others or it doesn't interest them, then that is their loss not mine because I have an amazing daughter and I am so blessed to live in Peyton's world! On the other hand I have made some wonderful new friends these last 6 months, one in particular is so amazing, strong and inspiring. Its not luck, its a blessing to have such people in your life!

I just love Peyton so much, all the other good stuff in our life is just icing on the cake!

‎19 Months - 31", 23.4 lbs and in perfect health! :) God is good!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 2012

18 Months Old

I cant believe my baby girl is a year and a half old. It is amazing how fast time goes by now. I have to say this has been the roughest month we have had, ear infections, allergic reactions to antibiotics, stomach flu - Peyton has had a very long month. This has really made me so thankful for how healthy she really is, I cant imagine what it must be like for parents whose children have chronic illnesses or disabilities, just going through the last couple weeks of ear infections, vomiting and fevers has been exhausting and for the first time I wondered what it would be like to have a partner, a dad around to help. Luckily though I have my mom, family and friends like Bekah and Shauna to help us - including just taking it easy and watching movies when she wasnt feeling well:

It wasnt all bad though, we had a great Valentine's day! I have the cutest Valentine ever!

And we had a wonderful visit in Spokane, despite Peyton being sick then getting her grandpa sick. We also got to spend a little time with Papa which was much needed. I so love my Papa and it means so much to me when he gets to see Peyton. We also finally got to meet Nate's son Bryce!

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 2012

17 months old this month!

A new year and finally adjusting to our new life. Being a single working mom is not as easy as it sounds! The hardest part is still being away from Peyton for 8+ hours a day. But I love my job and we are both adjusting well.

Thank goodness for snow days though becuase it meant extra time with my baby, however all my days off due to snow were spent taking care of Peyton who had her first ear infection. The pediatrician warned me that the first year she was in day care was going to be rough since she would be exposed to all of these new germs but seeing Peyton in this much discomfort and pain is torture!

At least we were able to enjoy the snow a few times and we even took a trip to the zoo (thank you to my bosses for the gift card at Christmas!).