18 Months Old
I cant believe my baby girl is a year and a half old. It is amazing how fast time goes by now. I have to say this has been the roughest month we have had, ear infections, allergic reactions to antibiotics, stomach flu - Peyton has had a very long month. This has really made me so thankful for how healthy she really is, I cant imagine what it must be like for parents whose children have chronic illnesses or disabilities, just going through the last couple weeks of ear infections, vomiting and fevers has been exhausting and for the first time I wondered what it would be like to have a partner, a dad around to help. Luckily though I have my mom, family and friends like Bekah and Shauna to help us - including just taking it easy and watching movies when she wasnt feeling well:

It wasnt all bad though, we had a great Valentine's day! I have the cutest Valentine ever!

And we had a wonderful visit in Spokane, despite Peyton being sick then getting her grandpa sick. We also got to spend a little time with Papa which was much needed. I so love my Papa and it means so much to me when he gets to see Peyton. We also finally got to meet Nate's son Bryce!

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