Today at the Ultrasound, I was happily surprised to have Ashley there too! She came with Auntie Sandy, and we got to see Baby Earl's feet, legs, tummy - even her stomach, her hands, her heart beating! We did not get a good look at her face because she was sleeping with her fist in front of her face, but we got to see her profile. She has cute chubby cheeks and the technician showed us she has a full head of hair!
At 35 weeks, 5 days, Baby Earl is 7lbs 2 ounces and projected to be about 8.5lbs at birth - right about what me and Bear were born as. She is head down and I have lots of amniotic fluid protecting her, 90th percentile!
Dr. Brown was very pleased again with my weight and I will be going in once per week now to check on her growth and my BP. There are no plans to induce or schedule a c-section, the plan is still a vaginal birth when she is ready to come out.
All in all it was a great doctor's appointment. I am so excited to meet Baby Earl. I can't believe she has lots of hair - I was completely bald. I feel great, and she is healthy - God is Good!

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