Saturday, July 31, 2010
Moccasins from Grammie
This morning at 36 weeks, on a staurday, I was up bright and early for a maternity photo shoot. The photographer was great, I had a good time. I just wanted to capture this amazing journey, really celebrate this blessing and capture the absolute joy and love that this baby has brought into my life. I can't believe its 28 days until her due date, and though it made me cry a little to pull out the moccasins Grammie had made for me some 8 years ago (I wasnt kidding when I said she wanted this as much as I did, for as long as I have.) it was such a joy to know that she is watching over us. I could almost hear her smiling from heaven as we took different photos with moccasisns she had made for her greart-grandbaby, she must of known it would be a girl. The pendleton from Auntie Punkin was also perfect. The only thing that could have made the day better was having my mom here, but all in all a beautiful experience and I cant wait to get the photos back.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Big, Healthy and Lots of Hair!

Today at the Ultrasound, I was happily surprised to have Ashley there too! She came with Auntie Sandy, and we got to see Baby Earl's feet, legs, tummy - even her stomach, her hands, her heart beating! We did not get a good look at her face because she was sleeping with her fist in front of her face, but we got to see her profile. She has cute chubby cheeks and the technician showed us she has a full head of hair!
At 35 weeks, 5 days, Baby Earl is 7lbs 2 ounces and projected to be about 8.5lbs at birth - right about what me and Bear were born as. She is head down and I have lots of amniotic fluid protecting her, 90th percentile!
Dr. Brown was very pleased again with my weight and I will be going in once per week now to check on her growth and my BP. There are no plans to induce or schedule a c-section, the plan is still a vaginal birth when she is ready to come out.
All in all it was a great doctor's appointment. I am so excited to meet Baby Earl. I can't believe she has lots of hair - I was completely bald. I feel great, and she is healthy - God is Good!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Spokane, Cotton Candy, Rogers Pirates and More at 35 weeks!
Me and Baby Earl had an amazing time in Spokane as usual! Though we did not get to see all of the family, we had quality time with Mom, Dad, Bear, Tiff and the kids and I got to spend some time with Papa.
Friday, I spent the day getting ready, shopping, nails etc and then we headed to Chewelah to stay at Bear's house. The twins were in bed, Tiff and Si were at the Church camp out, so it was just the four of us (and Earl) which just doesn't happen often. We had dinner, visited and made about 80 bags of cotton candy for the twin's party on Saturday!
We spent all day Saturday at the Hunters Campground. It was hot, the water was nice and cold, the kids played all day, Papa came to visit, we celebrated the twin's second birthday with family, friends and it was a wonderful day. I just can't believe the twins are two, nor can I believe I am posting pictures of me in a swimsuit at 35 weeks preggers! :)

Saturday night I attended mom's 35th High School Reunion with her. Now, it is no secret how much I love my mom and how amazing I think she is. But since she started getting ready IN January for her surgery in April, she has lost alot of weight and changed her life for the healthier. And I was so proud of her in her new dress, she looked so beautiful, and the confidence oozing from her was intoxicating. I am so proud of my mom, she continues to inspire me to be a good mom, a good woman and a genuinely kind human being. I just could not love her more. We had a great time at the party and then got to spend all day Sunday together. Of course I was a wreck and cried like a baby when Mom and Dad dropped me off at the airport, I just love them so much. I have been so lucky to see mom in person every single month of this pregnancy and I could not imagine not having her by my side. It is amazing the strength, the love and the joy that fills your soul just being in her presence. Me and Baby Earl are so blessed to have her.

And the next time we are together will be to welcome Peyton into the world! Thank you for everything, I love you mom!
Friday, I spent the day getting ready, shopping, nails etc and then we headed to Chewelah to stay at Bear's house. The twins were in bed, Tiff and Si were at the Church camp out, so it was just the four of us (and Earl) which just doesn't happen often. We had dinner, visited and made about 80 bags of cotton candy for the twin's party on Saturday!
We spent all day Saturday at the Hunters Campground. It was hot, the water was nice and cold, the kids played all day, Papa came to visit, we celebrated the twin's second birthday with family, friends and it was a wonderful day. I just can't believe the twins are two, nor can I believe I am posting pictures of me in a swimsuit at 35 weeks preggers! :)
Saturday night I attended mom's 35th High School Reunion with her. Now, it is no secret how much I love my mom and how amazing I think she is. But since she started getting ready IN January for her surgery in April, she has lost alot of weight and changed her life for the healthier. And I was so proud of her in her new dress, she looked so beautiful, and the confidence oozing from her was intoxicating. I am so proud of my mom, she continues to inspire me to be a good mom, a good woman and a genuinely kind human being. I just could not love her more. We had a great time at the party and then got to spend all day Sunday together. Of course I was a wreck and cried like a baby when Mom and Dad dropped me off at the airport, I just love them so much. I have been so lucky to see mom in person every single month of this pregnancy and I could not imagine not having her by my side. It is amazing the strength, the love and the joy that fills your soul just being in her presence. Me and Baby Earl are so blessed to have her.
And the next time we are together will be to welcome Peyton into the world! Thank you for everything, I love you mom!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
We Are Cleared For Take Off!
Me and Baby Earl are doing just great. My BP was good, her heartbeat was good and strong (I just love hearing her little heartbeat!), no swelling AND weight gain for last two weeks was just barely 2 lbs! All in all a great check-up. Dr. Brown just advised that I learn to really listen to my body, and suggested I may have over done it last week between painting, working overtime, etc - especially in the heat.
So the plan - listen to my body, keep up the good food choices, keep drink 64-84 ounces of water a day - especially in the heat this weekend and we will be back to see him next week for an ultrasound. Last ultrasound Baby Earl was in the 74th percentile and projected to be appx 8lbs at birth....next Thursday they will project her size by the estimated due date and see what position she is in!
This weekend - celebrating Emmitt & Elise's 2nd Birthday (I can't believe the twins are 2!), attending a dinner with my mom for her 35th Rogers HS Reunion and best of all just get to spend some time with my family. This is the last time I will see everyone on the east side of the mountains; Mom, Dad, Papa, Bear, Tiff, the kids and everyone before baby is born. It is very exciting and surreal to know that after this weekend, the next time I see my mom will be to welcome Peyton into the world...I will be in labor! We have been very lucky to see each other almost every month of the pregnancy, I couldn't have done this without her and I cant wait for my baby girl to meet her Yaya!
5 weeks to go!
So the plan - listen to my body, keep up the good food choices, keep drink 64-84 ounces of water a day - especially in the heat this weekend and we will be back to see him next week for an ultrasound. Last ultrasound Baby Earl was in the 74th percentile and projected to be appx 8lbs at birth....next Thursday they will project her size by the estimated due date and see what position she is in!
This weekend - celebrating Emmitt & Elise's 2nd Birthday (I can't believe the twins are 2!), attending a dinner with my mom for her 35th Rogers HS Reunion and best of all just get to spend some time with my family. This is the last time I will see everyone on the east side of the mountains; Mom, Dad, Papa, Bear, Tiff, the kids and everyone before baby is born. It is very exciting and surreal to know that after this weekend, the next time I see my mom will be to welcome Peyton into the world...I will be in labor! We have been very lucky to see each other almost every month of the pregnancy, I couldn't have done this without her and I cant wait for my baby girl to meet her Yaya!
5 weeks to go!
Monday, July 19, 2010
34 weeks 3 Days!
Mission 1 Acomplished! Painting is Done!
We worked on it for about 4 days, several hours a day. And of course with or without bed rest I could not have done it so well or so quickly without the help of Tracy and Jace! Thank you guys so much! I know Auntie Sandy wanted to help too, but she was out of town taking care of Papa, but no fear still lots to do and help with!


So, we still have the furniture and all of her stuff to move in, and the cutest wall decor, but Baby Earl is one step closer to having her own room! I cant wait to get it done and then use the beautiful room to change her, rock her and eventually put her to sleep in! :) 40 days!
So, we still have the furniture and all of her stuff to move in, and the cutest wall decor, but Baby Earl is one step closer to having her own room! I cant wait to get it done and then use the beautiful room to change her, rock her and eventually put her to sleep in! :) 40 days!
BP Update (and not talking about the Gulf)
BP is back down, the nurse took it twice to be sure - 112/78! Even after feeling icky this morning. So the plan is rest and water until Thursday, then hopefully off to Spokane to celebrate the twin's 2nd bday and spend time with the fam! My last trip before Baby Earl is here!
Still taking it easy...
Well the weekend went by fast. Finished a book, started a new one, 4 movies, 2 magazines and a hnadfull of word find puzzles. Of course Jace and Tracy were awesome and finished the painting of the nursery, and visited with me.
This morning I had a bit of a scare, as I was not feeling well once I got to work - very naseaous, a slight headache and just general ickiness. Well Paul, being the awesome boss he is, had me lay down on the ocuch for a bit, and I feel much better now. Even just had lunch and am feeling good, just a little tired. I did of course clal the nurse to check in, but I relaly think it was my iced tea this morning that did me in - all weekend I had nothing to drink but water and milk and I think the sweetner and caffiene just got to me this morning - plus I didnt know my tea had sooo much cafeeine, I had read on a website it didnt have any, but truth is it does :( which doesnt work for me since I gave cafeeine up before the end of my first trimester.
So I am finishing the day at work, feet up, drinking my water, and taking it as easy as I can. I am looking forward to getting home, getting changed and returning to my couch though. I will be getting my BP checked at 4, and still see the doctor on thursday. I am really trying to take it east, stay positive and take care of both of us. I just hope I still get to go home to Spokane this weekend, I will be very sad if I dont.
Thank you for the calls and texts checking in on us and the continued prayers for us.
This morning I had a bit of a scare, as I was not feeling well once I got to work - very naseaous, a slight headache and just general ickiness. Well Paul, being the awesome boss he is, had me lay down on the ocuch for a bit, and I feel much better now. Even just had lunch and am feeling good, just a little tired. I did of course clal the nurse to check in, but I relaly think it was my iced tea this morning that did me in - all weekend I had nothing to drink but water and milk and I think the sweetner and caffiene just got to me this morning - plus I didnt know my tea had sooo much cafeeine, I had read on a website it didnt have any, but truth is it does :( which doesnt work for me since I gave cafeeine up before the end of my first trimester.
So I am finishing the day at work, feet up, drinking my water, and taking it as easy as I can. I am looking forward to getting home, getting changed and returning to my couch though. I will be getting my BP checked at 4, and still see the doctor on thursday. I am really trying to take it east, stay positive and take care of both of us. I just hope I still get to go home to Spokane this weekend, I will be very sad if I dont.
Thank you for the calls and texts checking in on us and the continued prayers for us.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dr. Brown Orders Rest
So this morning at a regular WIC appointment the nurse checked my blood pressure and it was high, 136/90 and notice my swollen hands...she wasn't convinced that it was because I had my acrylics taken off and that my short fat fingers are always like that. My hands are somewhat swollen and at the end of the day my ankles are usually too, but no headaches or vision problems, still she said to call the doctor.
So I called Dr. Brown's office, talked to the nurse who talked to the doctor and called me back - long story short. They want to see me next week and until then I need to drink 2+ quarts of water a day (which I am roughly doing anyway)for sure, and lay on my left or right side. Of course she didn't say bed rest immediately, so I was asking to clarify what I can do, no painting, no setting up Baby Earl's room - she said have someone else do all that....I am restricted to daily routine - work, bathroom, cooking but other than the necessities on my side. I asked if I could sit and watch my friends paint and put stuff together, and the nurse said “No, Melissa. You can lay on your side and watch, but unless it’s necessary you need to be laying down on your side.”
So, kinda bummed because I was enjoying being with Tracy and working on the room, and was looking forward to finishing it with her this weekend, but no such luck. But, not too upset or freaking out, gotta do what is best for baby - she is number one, so I guess the outlook for the next week is lots of movies, reading and laying around.
So I called Dr. Brown's office, talked to the nurse who talked to the doctor and called me back - long story short. They want to see me next week and until then I need to drink 2+ quarts of water a day (which I am roughly doing anyway)for sure, and lay on my left or right side. Of course she didn't say bed rest immediately, so I was asking to clarify what I can do, no painting, no setting up Baby Earl's room - she said have someone else do all that....I am restricted to daily routine - work, bathroom, cooking but other than the necessities on my side. I asked if I could sit and watch my friends paint and put stuff together, and the nurse said “No, Melissa. You can lay on your side and watch, but unless it’s necessary you need to be laying down on your side.”
So, kinda bummed because I was enjoying being with Tracy and working on the room, and was looking forward to finishing it with her this weekend, but no such luck. But, not too upset or freaking out, gotta do what is best for baby - she is number one, so I guess the outlook for the next week is lots of movies, reading and laying around.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Time flies when life is so great!
Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life.
-- Maureen Hawkins
Today I looked at the calendar and realized we are just 45 days from meeting precious Baby Earl! 45days! No wonder I have started waddling and have a hard time getting comfortable enough to sleep at night, yes the belly is ever growing and I will post pictures soon. :)
The past couple of days Tracy and I have been painting her room, and hope to get it all set up by the end of the weekend. We have had fun talking about Baby Earl, about what things will be like, how much she has changed me already, laughing, and just having fun. It is amazing the change she has made in my life already, and as Tracy pointed out never has she seen me this happy, truly happy, for this long and it is true. What a blessing.
And sooner rather than later, we get to meet her. I think about Earl all the time, what do you think Peyton Joan Laramie will be like?
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life.
-- Maureen Hawkins
Today I looked at the calendar and realized we are just 45 days from meeting precious Baby Earl! 45days! No wonder I have started waddling and have a hard time getting comfortable enough to sleep at night, yes the belly is ever growing and I will post pictures soon. :)
The past couple of days Tracy and I have been painting her room, and hope to get it all set up by the end of the weekend. We have had fun talking about Baby Earl, about what things will be like, how much she has changed me already, laughing, and just having fun. It is amazing the change she has made in my life already, and as Tracy pointed out never has she seen me this happy, truly happy, for this long and it is true. What a blessing.
And sooner rather than later, we get to meet her. I think about Earl all the time, what do you think Peyton Joan Laramie will be like?
Monday, July 5, 2010
32+ Weeks & 4th of July
I had a great time in Portland this weekend. Auntie Sandy, Snookie & I went to Portland and stayed with Auntie DeeDee, had a great dinner and visit Friday night, framer's market on Sunday then got to go see the Lugnuts on Saturday night at the Corbett 4th of July Festival. It was a quick trip but a great weekend. Road trips are always so fun too, we had a great visit on the way down and back up!

And here is Justine riding the bull on the Kiddy Rides at the festival, I'm still learning how to use my camera so she has gone about 180degrees when the video starts!
Auntie DeeDee had another new outift for Earl, and a whole bag of Justine's clothes that she had held on to, as well as a couple blankets. Including one of my old jackets with Smurfette on it that she had made for me in Hong Kong, with Missy embroidered on it too. Very Cute!
Now at 32 weeks, there is no doubt my tummy is all baby. My Aunties were gigglling becuase they noticed I am waddling a little now...it is funny, but its not just the belly it's a chemcial released by my body now to start opening up my pelvis which causes the waddling. I think though I am still getting around and feeling good, of course the bathroom trips are more frequent, and sleeping at night is broken up between tossing and turning and getting up to potty, and I was the first person to bed saturday night, I just couldnt stay up and visit like usual. But another great, new thing happened this weekend, Saturday afternoon I was sitting back in a chair with my feet up and you could see Baby Earl moving through my shirt and tummy! It was amazing, to not just feel but see her move! I tried to get a video but of course I didnt, I will keep working on that though.
All in all I am feeling really great. I just cant beleive she will be here in about 50 days, this has gone by so fast. We have an appointment with Dr. Brown on wednesday, just a regular check up. My weight has been steady the last two weeks, which is great becuase I have been really watching what I eat and when, and the swelling has been down too so I hope my blood pressure is good when we see him. But it is supposed to be hot this week, so hopefully I can get Jace over to but my air conditioning unit in before the heat comes on Wednesday.
Just a couple weeks now until my last trip before baby comes, I will be flying over to Spokane for the Twins' 2nd birthday!

And here is Justine riding the bull on the Kiddy Rides at the festival, I'm still learning how to use my camera so she has gone about 180degrees when the video starts!
Auntie DeeDee had another new outift for Earl, and a whole bag of Justine's clothes that she had held on to, as well as a couple blankets. Including one of my old jackets with Smurfette on it that she had made for me in Hong Kong, with Missy embroidered on it too. Very Cute!
Now at 32 weeks, there is no doubt my tummy is all baby. My Aunties were gigglling becuase they noticed I am waddling a little now...it is funny, but its not just the belly it's a chemcial released by my body now to start opening up my pelvis which causes the waddling. I think though I am still getting around and feeling good, of course the bathroom trips are more frequent, and sleeping at night is broken up between tossing and turning and getting up to potty, and I was the first person to bed saturday night, I just couldnt stay up and visit like usual. But another great, new thing happened this weekend, Saturday afternoon I was sitting back in a chair with my feet up and you could see Baby Earl moving through my shirt and tummy! It was amazing, to not just feel but see her move! I tried to get a video but of course I didnt, I will keep working on that though.
All in all I am feeling really great. I just cant beleive she will be here in about 50 days, this has gone by so fast. We have an appointment with Dr. Brown on wednesday, just a regular check up. My weight has been steady the last two weeks, which is great becuase I have been really watching what I eat and when, and the swelling has been down too so I hope my blood pressure is good when we see him. But it is supposed to be hot this week, so hopefully I can get Jace over to but my air conditioning unit in before the heat comes on Wednesday.
Just a couple weeks now until my last trip before baby comes, I will be flying over to Spokane for the Twins' 2nd birthday!
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