As a first-time single mother this has been of the biggest concerns of the doctor and our social worker, and I know many women don't have the amazing network that we do. Its a reminder on days like today just how well cared for we are. My boss through a great luncheon/shower with coworkers today at work; he shut down the office supplied lunch and a cupcake cake, presents from each and every coworker, of course Paul & Lance went overboard, but the generous and genuine support and well wishes was all enveloping.

Plus this week, the emails, phone calls and texts from acquaintances and friends just checking in on me and baby, offering to run errands, bring food, do anything has been so amazing. Of course they are calling to make sure they are on the list to get a call or at least a text when she comes, but the genuine concern and care for me and BE is so tangible, its heartwarming. It really makes me feel good about myself and the live I have built, of course there have been some low times and I have made as many mistakes and bad choices as anyone but to know how many people really support me and baby Earl and genuinely care about both of us, I must be doing something right. And it is so reassuring to me, especially as we get closer to her arrival, to know as a single mom that its not just me and her, to know that I am bringing her into an amazing family, and extended family of friends and people who already love her and will be there for her.
Of course one of the best calls was on Saturday when I talked to Papa. Papa was so giddy on the phone, first he asked how I am feeling then he said "When are you bringing that baby up to see me?". He is so precious. He is very excited to meet this baby, and even as his memory has begun to weaken, he knows that my plan is to bring Peyton to Inchelium to see him and get baptized in his church after she is born. It was of course a short conversation, as he is not a phone talker, but you could hear the smile and excitement in his voice. Its one of those conversations I will treasure and remember forever. Mom said he brought me and baby up a couple more times over the weekend, and said he "sure cant wait to meet that new baby." And I cant wait for her to meet Papa too!
While I am not surprised in any way, I have always been very well aware of how blessed I am with an amazing family and it is no secret what great friends I have, but it is important I think to not take such blessings for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has been so supportive these last 38 weeks (and beyond) I cant wait to share this amazing little girl with you. It gives me such peace of mind to know what love she is being born into.
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