Today at the OB Baby Earl was moving, heartbeat strong, my BP was a little elevated but good (134/84) for me at this point, and had the first pelvic check - not dilated one bit! Dr. Cole (Dr. Brown called in to emergency c-section) said at this point that is fine, she could come any time but it will be when she is ready.
So now, the next step is an ultrasound next Friday to see how big she has gotten this last month, and that will determine the next next step. :) No plans to induce or for c-section at this time. I am having some early pre-labor systems but nothing concerning or worth going into detail about :).
As far as how I feel about it? Well I am anxious to finally get to meet her and hold her, see her beautiful face and all that hair she supposedly has....but you know its kind of surreal still to think how close we are to this next phase, and how much things will change again once she is here. Its very exciting, and I am just thankful to be feeling so good and to know she is content exactly where she is. Of course it is pretty uncomfortable for me sleeping at night right now, the heartburn is back with a vengance (though it never went away only lessened for sometime) and there is nothing I can do to hide my waddle or the still growing and hardening belly, but still I cant complain. I feel good.
Plus this gives me a little more time to put the final touches on her room. My baby girl already has a closet that matches her mom and Yaya's closets; just packed full of clothes, blankets, toys... I still have a huge garbage bag full of clothes to wash that I got 2 days ago from a vendor at work of barely worn hand-me down clothes. She will be one well dressed baby girl!
So doesn't seem likely I will get to have Baby Earl on Grammie's birthday, the 23rd is just 4 days away...but you never know, either way as long as she is healthy I am just fine waiting until she is ready!
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