Now I have had a couple days to recover and have gotten a lot more sleep then I did over the weekend, but still did not want to get out of bed this morning. It is amazing to me how different my body is this week even compared to just one or two weeks ago. All weekend trying to scoot between the tight tables my belly kept bumping into people and things, and I definitely had to change my stance on several shots when shooting pool, but it went pretty well. Unfortunately the Sunday team was knocked out Sunday night, and the Tuesday team made it to semifinals on Monday - but I lost my match which should have been an easy W for the team, partially I think because I was so tired. But I tried to hide it, all weekend really, getting there early, staying late, even helping folding and hanging chairs. But Tuesday morning, I sure paid for it and it finally sank in that I cant do everything I did before I was pregnant.
I know, I know many people have been telling me to take it easy for months - especially now with Baby Earl and my belly getting bigger. But really it is only in the last week or so that I have felt this way, finding it more uncomfortable to bend over and seeing how my belly is starting to get in the way of things. I'm not complaining though. I love being pregnant, I feel good and absolutely love feeling her move. It's such a special thing and it has been nice having that to myself, though I think anytime now anyone will be able to feel her moving through my belly which will be another great milestone to share.
So here are some new belly pictures. It was funny to see peoples reactions at LTC, some who knew, some didn't and some who we rent sure - but everyone in the league now knows - bc there is no hiding this baby bump. :) Only 12 weeks until we meet Baby Earl!

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