Health update: Me and Baby Earl are doing great...blood pressure good, kidneys good, her heartbeat is good and strong and all in all everything is just great! According to Dr. Brown my weight gain is within the range of what he would expect given my pre-pregnancy height, weight and build. Of course now we just need to make sure baby doesn't gain too much weight - so gotta stay on top of my sweets intake, no problem. All in all was a great appointment, and I feel so much better that I switched!

Now we start seeing him every 2 weeks! With an ultrasound at the end of July to check her weight, position, etc... Just 9 weeks to go! Plus he gave me the OK to fly home to Spokane for the twins birthday party in July! Yay!
Needless to say it's been a great day; the sun is shining, me and my baby are healthy, my mom comes in town tomorrow, friends and family are gathering for the baby shower on Saturday, and I get to see some high school friends on Sunday. Life is great, as my Grammie would say - God is good!
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