Yesterday was my "viability" ultrasound, to detect Baby Earl's heartbeat... And it was a perfectly health 146 beats per minute. Yay!
Tracy was able to go with me, which was nice since I was a little nervous. Funny how the baby already has changed my modesty level, I don't think I have ever been that naked with Tracy sitting in the same room, lol and I just said "look away" as I peeled off the clothes and took position on the exam table.
I enter this state of awe and amazement when they perform an ultrasound and I am watching the baby on the screen, it is so surreal. Again, I was unable to laugh or cry, barely could even speak as I laid there with a huge grin on my face watching in amazement as this baby, inside of me, moved - constantly, seeing her hands, legs, arms, belly, head and face is so amazing.... and the heart beat, just flapping away so fast, it is mesmerizing.
The ultrasound technician asked if I wanted to know the sex if she could see it, I hadn't told Tracy this was a possibility since it is only 15 weeks. Of course I told her I wanted to know, everyone wants to know! :) And I had been convinced these last few weeks that it is a boy, so after spending quite a long time studying the screen and waiting for BE to stop "sitting" on his/her legs and feet, the legs moved and the technician announced
"It's a girl!" Of course the doctor who read the report said they cant confirm it until 20 weeks, at my next ultrasound, but the technician said she was confident of the reading. Either way, I am happy, the doctor said that everything is "picture perfect" - the baby, my cervix, the placenta, uterus... all look great. He also said that baby measured 15 weeks 2 days but that wasn't enough of a change to move the due date, so we are still looking at 8/31/10.
Needless to say the news that Baby Earl is a girl was amazing, and yes I understand it could be wrong and could change in 5 weeks at the next ultrasound. I am just happy that the baby is growing at the rate it should be, the heart beat is strong and it looks as though I am healthy and able to carry to term. It just blows my mind! And now, knowing the sex makes this miracle even more real. :) And let the records show my Mom was right about the sex, as she would tell you she is always right - just like Papa. :)