It's a girl!

Baby Earl is doing great! She weighs 12 ounces, and is developing perfectly! I do have to go back in 3 weeks for a follow up, she was moving around so much they didn’t get a clear view of the bottom of her spine. Doctor says it is nothing to worry about, but they want to be thorough.

Auntie Sandy and Tracy were both able to come to this appointment! (Thank you again for coming!) It is so awesome to not be alone at these appointments, there is always worry that something will go wrong, or that I will get bad news - though I try to stay very positive. It has only happened once, my first time alone at the midwives when they brought up the last LEEP I had, the results were more serious than my gyno had led on at the time and that was scary news to hear on my own. So it is so nice that Tracy took time to come, and Auntie Sandy took half day off from work and drove the nearly 2-hour round trip to be there. I am blessed! We saw her move all over, her little feet and toes, her hands, we even got to watch her as she yawned really big! Doctor says anytime now I will feel her moving around!

My cervix is good and strong, no worries about not being able to carry to term! Placenta is good and healthy, where it should be.
I am so ecstatic! I barely slept last night, just tossed and turned. I think it was the excitement, thinking about Baby Earl, wanting to feel her move... it makes it that much more real for me that this baby is coming in 4.5 months! I really get to be a mom!
More appointments this week, midwife tomorrow and dietitian on Thursday. Still working hard to keep my weight gain in check; up about 10 lbs from beginning of pregnancy, still wearing most of my own clothes - except I love my prego jeans! Though I do need to get out and do more walking, it would be easier if it didn't rain every night after work, but I am feeling good and baby and I are both healthy and that is what matters. I am hungry more now, and still making good food choices at least 95% of the time, I mean c'mon a girl needs her chocolate and ice cream too :)! No weird cravings still, just love my fruits - especially oranges, though I did find that artichokes aren't tasting as yummy as they did pre-baby....other than that I can eat anything.
I just cant stop smiling, knowing Baby Earl is doing well and healthy! And now I get to say I am going to have a baby girl! Woohoo!
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