My heart is heavy today though still, missing Grammie so much. Especially now that I have been so blessed with this miracle, she wanted this baby for me as much as I did, for as long as I did. Three years ago today she crossed over to be with the Creator. My heart still aches, though I take solace in my faith and find comfort in knowing she is sharing in this most joyful blessing with me from heaven.

And as the 20th week, and the ultrasound to confirm that Baby Earl is a girl is approaching and just 7 days from today, I have to smile and be thankful for all the blessings in my life.

I am feeling great and anxious to start feeling Baby Earl move around, and am excited for all the great things this month; the 2nd trimester ultrasound, mom's surgery, trip to Spokane & seeing Papa, my first baby shower and then early next month Snookie's college graduation (OMG that makes me feel old!).
So, though it is ok to feel sad and mourn, to aknowledge how much I still miss Grammie every day of my life...I must also rejoice in my many blessings and continue to live a life full of love and laughter that she would be proud of.
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