This morning, at the midwife appointment, I was finally able to hear Baby Earl's heart beat. Last time she was too small, and it was kind of a let down because I was so looking forward to it. It was amazing watching her heart beat so fast on the ultrasounds, but somehow hearing it this morning was a new and different kind of miracle. Our hearts were beating in rhythm, though her heart beat was about 2x mine. =) It was so wonderful to hear, I cried. It was just so amazing, and the midwife was so sweet she let me listen awhile longer, even she commented on how cute it was that our hearts were beating together. I so wish I could have recorded it or called my mom, to be able to share the moment but I know it is a special memory, a moment that I will carry with me forever.
As far as me and the baby, the midwife was pleased with my weight gain - as in not too much. It was nice, for the first time they did not hound me about it. However given my family medical history in 3 weeks I have to do a gestational diabetes sugar test - ick! But anything for the baby. Otherwise I don't see them for 6 whole weeks - which is the end of the 2nd trimester! Holy this is going by so fast!
The good news continued through out the day, my parents (with the doctor's approval for mom post-surgery) get to come to my next ultrasound! I am so excited and so glad my dad is taking the day off, they were planning to come that weekend for Snookie's graduation but are now coming earlier to be at the ultrasound! I am so excited! God is good!