Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Ultrasound!

So I had my first ultrasound today, and everything looked great according to the doctor's and technicians. A great big thank you again to Auntie Sandy and Uncle Dann who joined me this morning, having my second parents there was the next best thing to having my mom and dad there.

Here is what we learned today:
- Baby Earl's first picture:

- Baby Earl measured 10 weeks and 2 days, so I am a little bit behind what the midwives originally thought, and the due date is now 8/31/2010.
- The measurement that predicts the chance of baby having down syndrome was where we want it to be, we do have to wait for the blood test results from today and the follow up blood test on 3/17, to confirm but they said given the measurements and my age everything looks perfect!
- My next midwife appointment is March 4th, and will schedule the next ultrasound at that time.
- Baby Earl's heart beat was at 158 beats per minute, right where it should be.
- I can learn the sex probably end of March, beginning of April.

I am feeling wonderful. It was so amazing this morning, we saw Earl's heart beating, his hands and legs moving. we cried and laughed, I am just so overjoyed, it is really real.

Thank you all for the continued love and support, I will be telling more of my friends, some already know. What a blessing!

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