So we are now week 9, seems that there are lot of changes going on for Baby Earl. For me, not so much; breast tenderness, nausea - comes and goes, headaches - come and go, fatigue - all the time. :) This week Baby Earl is the size of a medium green olive and has graduated to a fetus; tiny muscles are starting to form and in a month or so I should be able to start feeling Baby E fluttering around, using those muscles to move his/her arms and legs. That is super exciting!
Still not much weight gain, thank goodness :) though my clothes are definitely fitting differently; well jeans and bras mostly. Other than that though, feeling really good. After meeting with the nurse last week, and then with the next appointment on Thursday, my "Is there really a baby inside there?" thoughts are less often, though not totally gone. And I am getting better still at not sleeping on my tummy, but that will take a little longer to get used to.
The newest things I have noticed in the last week is what I am guessing to be "pregnancy brain", forgetting I told people something, or asking my mom about something over and over again, even just tonight I offered to Tracy and Jace that I could work this summer for them since I wont be shooting pool anymore, part-time days - Jace laughed and reminded me I have a job. :) Funny stuff, nothing too serious. Then there is the irritability, last Sunday and one other day last week (I forget when - hehehe) I was irritable and crabby all day for no reason. The crying at the drop of a hat, even during American Idol, continues. But then again I have always been a crier, so no real surprise there.
Mostly I just feel so excited, so happy, so blessed. I constantly am thinking of names, and how much longer before I can tell friends. Oddly, only one girlfriend (other than BFF Tracy and Jess who know) has put two and two together - me not drinking, or smoking....Of course Tracy is itching to do birth announcements in her hobby room. After all the years I wished for, hoped for, prayed to be able to conceive and after all the surgeries, complications and conditions, I know that this is not the most conventional pregnancy but I do believe that all babies including mine, are a blessing and I am so grateful to have this chance to be a mommy because I had all but given up on the hope I would be in the last year or so. And I am so blessed too that I have such a loving and supportive family, which I have always known, but more so now. And when I say family I also mean my extended family; Tracy and Jace, the sister I always wanted with wonderful husband, they love and support me fully and are so excited too. Its just so much more than I ever expected, I cant help but smile all the time these days, except of course when I am irritated. :)