It has been almost 3 months since my last post. Oops! Ok so I have been busy with Peyton's first birthday, getting a new full time job, putting Peyton in daycare, getting a new roommate(s) but 3 months? My bad! So let's catch up:
August 2011August was a great month, very busy. We started the month off by getting new roommates. I had posted an ad on Craigslist because with Chaddy moved out and me working part time, there was no way I could make rent, keep up with all the bills and support me an Peyton. After a few weeks we finally got one response and began learning about Bekah and Shauna. The month was off to a great start because we also got to see Papa for the second time this summer while he was staying at Auntie Sandy's house in Lynnwood!

I spent alot of time August preparing for Peyton's 1st birthday party, smothering her in kisses and loves because I was in disbelief and denial that she was turning one and of course alot of time outside in the sunshine! I really was not ready for Peyton to turn one, I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that my baby was no longer a newborn, not an infant, and she was changing daily. I was also feeling that it was time, no matter how hard it would on us, for me to start looking for a full time position and decide on my career move. The first year when so fast, and out little family really did ok, we wanted for nothing due to the help of others, but in my heart I knew that we needed more and my independence relied on me taking that first step by looking into what jobs where out there. I didn't see much and was hoping a Boeing connection would come through, but one night I did come across a position that had the right salary, the right hours and was with a company who's mission I could really get behind, so I applied. Then fear set in.
How could I leave Peyton? And I didn't want to leave Tracy and Jace in a bind either, they had done so much for us. But I figured I wouldn't hear anything because this position was amazing and surely it was going to be a long shot. And again, how could I leave Peyton?!
A few days later, I was called in for an interview. Just a couple days before we were heading to Spokane for Peyton's birthday I had my first interview at Puget Sound Educational Service District. Auntie Sandy and Uncle Dann drove down from Lynnwood (45 minutes) to watch Peyton for an hour, just to drive back to Lynnwood. That is what you call support! It was a panel of 6 and of course I went over the 30 minutes they had scheduled, but it went well and I felt great. I still was not feeling like it would really happen, that I would get the job and that our whole world would change, but I had bigger things to worry about like Peyton's birthday!
Peyton's 1st Birthday Party was Perfect! My parents were amazing, they hosted the party which happened to be on her actual birthday. And my family was amazing; The VanderVeens came from Portland, The Breidenbachs came from Lynnwood, The Pachosa's came from Coulee Dam and brought Papa, of course Bear and his family came to Spokane too and those were just the family members that did not live in Spokane that came! It was a super hot day, we had great food, lots of laughter and visiting, cake and ice cream, tons of presents - it was everything I imagined, I think. Really the day was kind of a blur for me. I had a roller coaster of emotions and between trying to take care of the party and be present with Peyton, the day just kind of seemed to happen. It really was perfect! Even two of my childhood friends, Niki and Shauna, were able to come with their children!
Thank you to all our family and friends who made Peyton's 1st Birthday so amazing! It was a perfect day, a perfect party and a wonderful weekend!