By Monday night though she had thrown up twice and during her last bottle before bed coughed so hard, she turned purple then projectile vomited all over me and the floor. I can handle the puking, but I have never seen her turn purple like that, it scared us both so I took her to Urgent Care. Thank goodness my mom was home, she helped me stay calm. Of course by the time we got to the urgent care clinic she stopped crying, she was smiling and waving at the others in the waiting room and the staff. 2 hours later we were sent home with the diagnosis of a "upper respiratory infection" - she had a cold. No fever, nothing to give her, just had to wait it out. But by Friday she was back to herself and we even went to Little Gym she was feeling so good.
For me, it was scary and my knee jerk reaction was OMG we need to move to Spokane or Lynnwood, so I don't have to go through this again. But even that night, when we got home from urgent care, I got off the phone with mom, still crying and Peyton was looking up at me smiling as if to tell me "its OK Mom" and I calmed down. But it would be nice to be closer to family, to have someone to be there when we go through these frightening firsts. At least I know mom is only a phone call away, and even from 300 miles away can make everything better.
Eating Solids - I have read alot of material about what and when to feed babies, and talked with several professionals, so we have a plan in place now but am open to suggestions... Peyton has now had carrots, sweet potatoes and bananas. She loves her oatmeal, and though she seems to like bananas, she made the funniest face the first time she ate them like it was sour (her diaper was pretty sour afterwards that is for sure!) Tonight she will get to try another new vegetable, I am thinking green beans - one of my favorite! For now she is eating the jarred baby food provided by WIC, the pediatrician and 2 dietitians assured me she is getting all the nutrients she needs from her formula and that the jarred baby food and cereal are safe, as well as convenient, because they are just practice for her learning to eat not really a source of nutrition at this point in her diet. So we will continue this for a little while, then when she starts crawling I will start to pure food I eat so she can start enjoying "real", big people food.
Peyton and I have had a great weekend, though we both overslept this morning on top of the time change, so our day is a little off but it has been a fun weekend. Shopping, playing at home, we got to see Papa on web cam today and are looking forward to seeing Silas, Emmitt and Elise on web cam later too. Most exciting is it will only be a four day work week then we are off to Spokane for 4 day! We are planning a road trip with Auntie Sandy and will stop to pick up Papa on the way! I know I cant wait and wait until her Papa and Yaya get to see how much she has changed in person!
Needless to say Peyton and I are both glad she is over her cold. I only hope that when she gets her flu shot as part of her 6 month shots on Tuesday, that she doesn't have a setback. Because I love how much fun we have on a daily basis, playing and talking, she is moving so much and loves to shake her head and bounce, she is such a good, beautiful baby and she is growing so fast....7 months in 2 weeks - crazy!